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Shangilia Foundation USA

Shangilia Foundation USA
“SFUSA” was created by Tony and a team of ardent supporters of the unique Tumshangilieni child rescue center and residence in the heart of Nairobi slums, created by the late Kenyan film actress Anne Wanjugu. The institution was founded on the belief in the power of the arts as instrumental in the nurturing and acculturation of children, especially in this case many from the streets and whose lives are otherwise threatened. SFUSA raises funds, advises Tumshangilieni as an American link in a global support network, and has arranged tours of a youth choir from Tumshangilieni in both Europe and the United States and produced a recording titled Shangilia Youth Choir, the proceeds from which support the center. The institution’s original name was Shangilia Mtoto wa Afrika which is Swahili for Praise Child of Africa! SFUSA is formally registered for fundraising purposes in the states of New York and Minnesota and holds 501(c)3 charitable status under the U.S. Federal tax code.